Thursday, August 6, 2009

Glacier Landing Flight with Sergin

 Today Sergin and I went on the Glacier Landing Tour!  It was a perfect day.  We could see Mt. Mckinley the entire way on our trip.  I was trapped in the back seat having to slide my backside down the seat and cram my legs between the seats in front of me.  A nice German lady sitting next to me despite her limited knowledge of English spoke so clearly through her smile.  As we approached our landing we were passing so many carvases that I was very curious as to how we were to land.  We just continued towards the mountain side and “cookied” as we landed.  Outside of the plane the giant bowl of the mountain with the beginning of the glacier was impressive.  Another beautiful piece to my Alaskan experience was added today.

1 comment:

  1. Good times! I'm impressed and wish I was there! What a landing!
